It aims at teaching students the rational application of Homoeopathy through medicinal preparations as per the standard procedures. The department has a state-of-the-art laboratory having departmental library with sophisticated instruments and chemicals needed to perform experiments. Various charts depicting information about drugs sources are used as teaching aids. The college maintains its own medicinal garden with different plant species of medicinal value. Macroscopic study of plant specimens is carried out for facilitating learning. Besides dried specimens are also used for preparing herbarium sheets imparting knowledge about identification of drugs.
Homoeopathic Pharmacy - 1st Year
At the end of BHMS program, a student must
1)Develop the knowledge, skills, abilities and confidence as a primary care homoeopathic practitioner
to attend to the health needs of the community in a holistic manner
2) Correctly assess and clinically diagnose common clinical conditions prevalent in the community
from time to time
3) Identify and incorporate the socio-demographic, psychological, cultural, environmental & economic
factors affecting health and disease in clinical work
4) Recognize the scope and limitation of homoeopathy in order to apply Homoeopathic principles for
curative, prophylactic, promotive, palliative, and rehabilitative primary health care for the benefit of
the individual and community
5) Be willing and able to practice homoeopathy as per medical ethics and professionalism.
6) Discern the scope and relevance of other systems of medical practice for rational use of cross
referrals and role of life saving measures to address clinical emergencies
7) Develop the capacity for critical thinking, self reflection and a research orientation as required for
developing evidence based homoeopathic practice.
8) Develop an aptitude for lifelong learning to be able to meet the changing demands of clinical
9) Develop the necessary communication skills and enabling attitudes to work as a responsible team
member in various healthcare settings and contribute towards the larger goals of national health
policies such as school health, community health and environmental conservation.
At the end of the course of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, I BHMS Student will be able to
1. Explain the principles that govern homoeopathic pharmacy.
2. Discuss the pharmacognosicalbasis of homoeopathic drugs with respect to their identification,
nomenclature, source, part used, method of collection and preparation.
3. Prepare homoeopathic medicines from their respective sources according to the different scales
& methods of potentisation on a small scale in the laboratory.
4. Describe the pharmacology of homoeopathic drugs with respect to the types of drug action,
sphere of action and pharmacological action of homoeopathic drugs integrated with
Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Anatomy and physiology.
5. Relate the methodology of Homoeopathic Drug Proving integrated with Organon of Medicine.
6. Apply the principles of Homoeopathic Posology in different health care setting like OPD/IPD
integrated with Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
7. State the methods of standardization and quality control of homoeopathic medicines to ensure
the genuineness of homoeopathic medicines.
8. Explain the principles of pharmaconomy, dispensing and preservation of homoeopathic
9. Engage the principles of pharmaco-vigilance, and adverse drug reaction in relation to
homoeopathic medicines.
10. Write an ideal prescription.
11. Evaluate the scope for research in homoeopathic pharmacy in the context of the recent
advancements in pharmaceutical sciences