It has a rich departmental library; beautiful hard bound photographs of the various medicinal substances of vegetable, mineral & animal kingdom remedies. It also has preserved specimens of various plants in glass jars and specimens of almost 100 drugs in crude form, displayed in attractive containers that make the department look lively. This helps the student to view and recognize the different medicinal substances thoroughly. The department has been very active in conducting various seminars and presentations either on OHP or on the LCD projector thus helping the students in learning and developing command over the subject.
Homoeopathic Materia Medica - 1st Year
At the end of BHMS program, a student must
1. Develop the competencies essential for primary health care in clinical diagnosis and
treatment of diseases through the judicious application of homoeopathic principles
2. Recognize the scope and limitation of homoeopathy and to apply the Homoeopathic
Principles for curative, prophylactic, promotive, palliative, and rehabilitative primary
health care for the benefit of the individual and community.
3. Discern the relevance of other systems of medical practice for rational use of cross
referral and life saving measures, so as to address clinical emergences
4. Develop capacity for critical thinking and research aptitude as required for evidence
based homoeopathic practice.
5. Demonstrate aptitude for lifelong learning and develop competencies as and when
conditions of practice demand.
6. Be competent enough to practice homoeopathy as per the medical ethics and
7. Develop the necessary communication skills to work as a team member in various
healthcare setting and contribute towards the larger goals of national policies such
as school health, community health, environmental conservation.
8. Identify and respect the socio-demographic, psychological, cultural, environmental &
economic factors that affect health and disease and plan homoeopathic intervention
to achieve the sustainable development Goal.
At the end of BHMS I course, the students should be able to1. Define the homoeopathic Materia Medica.
2. Understand the philosophy of homoeopathic Materia Medica.
3. Describe evolution, sources and construction of different types of Homoeopathic
Materia Medica.
4. Enumerate the scope and limitations of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
5. Evolve the portrait and symptomatology of a particular drug using the knowledge of
pharmacy, psychology, anatomy, physiology and Organon of medicine.
6. Observe the symptoms of a particular medicine in a clinical set-up with emphasis on
individualizing symptoms.
Homoeopathic Materia Medica - 2nd Year
i. To grasp the basic concept and philosophy of Homeopathic Materia Medica based on Hahnemannian directions
ii. To understand the different sources and types of Materia Medica
iii. To mould Homoeopathic students by equipping them to readily grasp the symptoms of the sick individual corresponding to the
symptoms of the drug.
iv. To understand the drug with its pharmacological data, adaptability, sphere of action, along with characteristic sensations and
functions both at level of mind and body along with doctrine of signatures.
v. To construct the portrait of the drug with its predisposition, disposition both mental and physical, diathesis and disease expression
with Miasmatic correlation and its susceptibility expression at various times taking in to consideration of the environment around
him/ her.
vi. To understand the drug from its therapeutic application in various pathological conditions and allied clinical subjects like practice
of medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology.
vii. To understand the group characteristics of the drugs and the individualizing symptoms of the individual remedies of the group.
viii. To differentiate medicines arising from the reportorial process and to arrive at an appropriate similimum.
ix. To grasp the concept of remedy relationship and its application in practice
x. To understand the Miasmatic expressions and evolution in a given drug
xi. To understand and apply the bio-chemic system of medicine in practice
xii. To understand and apply the utility of mother tinctures in practice