Departments @YPSM

Department of Anatomy
A very spacious & well equipped laboratory with departmental library has been established with an aim to make students perfect in understanding the subject of Anatomy.

Department of Physiology
A well developed, spacious laboratory having departmental library with capacity to conduct regular practicals, tutorials & demonstrations has been setup.

Department of Materia Medica
It has a rich departmental library; beautiful hard bound photographs of the various medicinal substances of vegetable, mineral & animal kingdom remedies.

Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
It aims at teaching students the rational application of Homoeopathy through medicinal preparations as per the standard procedures.

Department of Surgery
The department is well equipped with a departmental library & different informative charts for imparting education as per the curriculum of UG.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
The department is fully equipped with descriptive charts having departmental library to help students gain information about various topics concerning the subject.

Department of Organon
It has wonderful charts and a qualitative departmental library. The teachers are very much focused on developing student interest in the subject and making them aware of basis of science of Homoeopathy

Department of Repertory
Learning opens new vistas of knowledge in the life of student. The emphasis is on proper case-taking that serves as a bridge between doctor & patient.

Department of Community Medicine
Prevention is better than cure is the main theme behind the teaching of the departmental teachers. The subject is made more practical & creative through educational tours, camps & school health checkups.

Department of Pathology
It is also sufficiently equipped to conduct practical classes as well as for clinical diagnostic aids for OPD & IPD patients. Various charts & preserved specimens are kept in the laboratory that facilitates students to gain practical knowledge.

Department of Medicine
The department is well equipped with reference books and informational charts to impart proper education, with departmental library.

Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The department has demonstrative materials like Weapons that are beautifully displayed over a wooden frame; Organic and Inorganic poisons specimens; Poisonous plants preserved in attractive containers for demonstration, Charts, diagrams, models etc.