The department has demonstrative materials like Weapons that are beautifully displayed over a wooden frame; Organic and Inorganic poisons specimens; Poisonous plants preserved in attractive containers for demonstration, Charts, diagrams, models etc. of medico legal interest are also displayed. The department takes special efforts to help the students concentrate on the finer aspects in accordance with the post mortem appearance, forwarding materials to chemical examiner, interpretation of laboratory findings, etc. The teachers take extra efforts in training students about legal procedures in courts & their jurisdiction, medical ethics etc.
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - 2nd Year
At the end of BHMS II course in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, the student shall –
i. Identify, examine and prepare reports / certificates in medico-legal cases/situations in accordance with the law of
ii. Demonstrate awareness of legal/court procedures applicable to medico legal/medical practice
iii. Acquire knowledge in Forensic medicine and recognize its scope and limitations in Homoeopathic practice
iv. Be conversant with the code of ethics, etiquette, duties and rights of medical practitioners’ profession towards patients, profession,
society, state and humanity at large; infamous conduct, medical negligence, and punishment on violation of the code of ethics.
v. Be able to identify poisons/poisoning, and management of poisoning within the scope of homoeopathy.
vi. Develop knowledge of Materia Medica by application of knowledge gained by the study of Toxicology
vii. Develop skills in medical documentation
viii. Be aware of the principles of environmental, occupational and preventive aspects of general Toxicology